ARCHITECTURE AREA (Montevideo and Interior of the Country).
New work:
Project, Supervision, Budgeting and Audit of Civil Work
Existing work:
Reforms and Recyclings: Project, Supervision and Budgeting.
Regularization of constructions before Intendencies, Firemen, B.P.S.
Fitting out(Qualification) of Business and Industrial Premises.
Certifications, Expert's reports, Change of Signature(Company), Technical Reports.
Sworn statements of Urban Characterization (requested by the Headquarter of Records in cases of dealing real estate or Mortgages and checked by the DGI on having realized the payment of the Tax to the Real-estate Transmissions).
APPRAISALS AREA (Montevideo and Interior of the Country).
A) Individual appraisal
For Financial National Institutions and of the Exterior:
Own(Proper) goods, or in Guarantee of Mortgage loans, Fideicommissums, Portfolios To acquiring for Licitation or Offhand buying.
Judicial power:
Advice like Judicial Experts of the Supreme Court of Justice.
Appraisal for Acquisition of Real estate, Obtaining of Mortgage loans and estimation of Values of Assets for NIC's fulfillment (International Procedure of Accounting) in Accounting forms to being presented before the AIN (Audit of the Nation).
Countable studies :
Determination of Values of Market of Real-estate Assets, for NIC's Fulfillment (International Procedure of Accounting) in Countable balances to presenting before the AIN (Audit Hospitalizes(Sends inland) of the Nation).
Law Studies and Notarial:
Determination of Value of Real estate in Succession or Partitions.
Insurance companies:Total value and Value of Reinstatement of Real estate in cases of Desasters.
Individuals:Advice for Acquisition of Real estate or Obtaining mortgage loan. Determination of Value of Real estate in Succession or Partitions.
B) Massive appraisal:
Types of Real estate that Are Appraised:
Urban: Areas without building, housings in condominiums or individuals, Industries, and all kinds of buildings, in construction or finished.
Rural: Fields of Agricultural, Cattle Production, Vegetables, Fruits and Forest.
Companies: for Acquisition or Credit obtaining.
Individuals: for Acquisition or Credit obtaining.